We stand up for civil rights and government transparency.

We are the only fund in Poland that provides support to local activists and NGOs for independent  civic activities with contributions raised exclusively from citizens.

Transfer details for Ludwika and Henryk Wujec Civic Fund:

Fundacja dla Polski (Foundation for Poland), ul. Szpitalna 5/3, 00-031 Warszawa  87 1140 1010 0000 5294 4600 1021


IBAN: PL87 1140 1010 0000 5294 4600 1021

years of activity
civic initiatives supported by the Fund
support for the implementation of civic initiatives


We fund our activities with contributions from citizens.


Adapting support to the current needs of civic society.


Action without unnecessary formalities.


A wide network of contacts among community organisations. At the local level, even small contributions can make a big difference.

Sound judgment

The ability to support both local initiatives and national efforts of strategic importance.

Rule of law

Human rights



Responsible and engaged citizens

Talking despite differences

Support Henryk Wujec Civic Fund - Donate now!

Ludwika and Henryk Wujec are patrons of the Civic Fund. They embodied a commitment to values such as courage, sensitivity to the plight of the disadvantaged, personal integrity and patriotism in the best sense – one that is open to others.

Ludwika Wujec (1941-2024), teacher, oppositionist of the communist period, cooperated with the Workers’ Defense Committee and was a “Solidarity” activist. She was involved in organizing support for repressed workers, and edited the magazine “Robotnik.” Interned during martial law; in the 1980s member of the editorial board of the underground “Tygodnik Mazowsze,” later assistant to Tadeusz Mazowiecki during the Round Table talks and deputy director of the Civic Committee to Lech Walesa. After 1989, she was an activist in the Civic Action Democratic Movement, the Democratic Union and the Freedom Union, as well as, among others, secretary of the municipality of the Central Warsaw District. Wife of Henryk Wujec.


Henryk Wujec (1940-2020), physicist, democratic opposition activist, politician and social activist, co-organiser of aid campaigns for the repressed workers of Ursus and Radom, collaborator of the Workers’ Defence Committee (KOR), member of the Committee for Social Self-Defence KOR, co-founder of the Free Trade Unions of the Coast (WZZW), leader within the “Solidarity” Trade Union (NSZZ „Solidarność”), political prisoner in the 1980s, participant of the Round Table talks, Sejm deputy from 1989 to 2001, deputy minister of agriculture in Jerzy Buzek’s Cabinet, social affairs adviser to President Bronisław Komorowski, member of the International Auschwitz Council and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation Council, implemented the Regional and Local Product Development Programme at the Foundation for Poland, co-founder and president of the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products, chairman of the Standing Conference on Social Economy, tutor at the School for Leaders.

A man of extraordinary sensitivity, diligence and courage. An advocate and practitioner of dialogue. He was and remains an inspiration and role model for generations of people involved in public affairs in Poland.

Prof. Ewa Łętowska

Professor of law, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 1st Polish Ombudsperson (1987-1992), judge of the Supreme Administrative Court (1999-2002) and the Constitutional Tribunal (2002-2011).

PhD Hanna Machińska

Lawyer and social activist with an extensive track record of implementing European legal standards into Polish law, including in the field of human rights protection and anti-discrimination law. Deputy Ombudsman (2017-2022).

Prof. Adam Strzembosz

Judge, professor of law, Deputy Minister of Justice (1989-1990), First President of the Supreme Court and President of the State Tribunal (1990-1998), Knight of the Order of the White Eagle.

Prof. Andrzej Zoll

Professor of law, Full Professor at Jagiellonian University, Chairman of the State Electoral Commission (1991-1993), Judge and President of the Constitutional Tribunal (1993-1997), Ombudsman (2000-2006).

Prof. Adam Bodnar, 7th Ombudsman for Citizen Rights, was a member of the Council of the Fund from July 2021 to August 2023.

Foundation for Poland

Ludwika and Henryk Wujec Civic Fund operates as a separate fund managed by the Foundation for Poland. The foundation, established at the beginning of the democratic transformation in Poland, has carried out initiatives aimed at building civil society since the first years of its activity. It was initiated by Bronisław Geremek, Stefan Meller, Andrzej Wajda and Jerzy Turowicz. The foundation has played an important role in supporting civic activity and the development of philanthropy in Poland. The foundation, in consultation with the Social Committee for the Civic Fund, operates the fund and distributes collected funds.

Foundation for Poland (Fundacja dla Polski, KRS 0000039342) is a public benefit organisation. For more information and access to the foundation’s annual reports, visit www.fdp.org.pl.


Ludwika and Henryk Wujec Civic Fund I Fundusz Obywatelski im. Ludwiki i Henryka Wujców
Foundation for Poland I Fundacja dla Polski
ul. Szpitalna 5/3
00-031 Warszawa/Warsaw, Poland

KRS: 0000039342, NIP: 526-17-44-363
mBank 87 1140 1010 0000 5294 4600 1021


IBAN: PL87 1140 1010 0000 5294 4600 1021


Agnieszka Gajek
email: agnieszka.gajek@funduszobywatelski.pl
phone.: +48 881 603 700


email: darczyncy@funduszobywatelski.pl
phone.: +48 881 603 807